Thursday, December 30, 2010

Follie Check: Over-acheiver!

Here is the email I got from the clinic after my follicle check today...

Dear Megan Dittemore:

I have received your recent test results. They are as follows:

Your hormone levels are as follows: Estradiol: 714 on 12/30/2010 Normal: 0-100 pg/mL.
This level is high for this time in your cycle.

Your ultrasound result is as follows:
Your follicles on the right ovary are 13,13,12,11,11,10,10 mm.
Your follicles on the left ovary are 13,12,12,11,11,10 mm.
Your lining is 6 mm.

You should continue the medication follistim. But you do need to drop your dose now. Take 50 units follistim tonight.

Your next appointment is scheduled for 12-31-10 FRIDAY at 8:15 am for an ultrasound and labwork. We want to keep a closer eye on you! 

We were shooting for more follicles this month, but I think 13 is a little much!  

Hopefully tomorrow a few will have decided to drop off.  My ovaries must take after me, little over-achievers... 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cycle 10: Please let this be the one

CD 4 today.  Really anxious and excited about this cycle.  The Dr wants us to get 4-7 follicles this month to give the little swimmers a few more targets.  I did my baseline on Xmas eve and everything looked good!  Here we go again!

Also, we were so blessed this month to receive a shipment of meds from another wonderful and generous person on  She sent us enough meds for at least 3 cycles I hope!  Amazing!!!!!!

So, hopefully this is it.  We have our first follicle check on Thursday Dec 30th.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

IF: F-You

Well, this cycle is over.  I starting spotting today.  Merry Xmas to us.

I can't say that I didn't see it coming.  We felt like this cycle was over before it even started with the count being so low and then me getting sick.

I am so fortunate to have good friends and family to support us through this rough times.  One friend said that our patience is really being testing.  I couldn't agree more. 

I wonder if it ever will work...  Suprisingly I am not as upset as I thought I would be.  I am just tired of it all.  So that is why I say F*@K You Infertility.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2WW: Volume 1, Issue 2

A pity party:

I hate progesterone for making me have pregnancy symptoms without the pregnancy.  I hate that every month I think this crap will work and it doesnt.  I have been POAS and nothing.  11 DPO and I know it is still early but I can't help thinking this cycle was over before it even started with a post-wash count of 1 million.

Ugh.  And the cherry on top will be getting my period xmas morning.  Merry f-ing Christmas IF.  Thanks for the awesome gift.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The 2WW: Volume 1, Issue 1

2 days into the 2 week wait and I have a bladder and kidney infection. Lovely.

We have a lot to overcome this month, so hopefully we will beat the odds! 

I started my progesterone suppositories last night so bring on the pregnancy symptoms!  They will mess with my mind for the next 2 weeks....

Its going to be a long 2 weeks.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

IUI: We are inseminated

IUI #3 is complete.  We are a little disappointed, the post wash count was only 1.2 million (less then last time).  But, it only takes 1.  We also got the IVF talk today.  I was hoping they wouldn't give up on us already...

I don't have much else to say.  Just trying to stay positive, but it is hard with such a low count.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Follie Check take 2: It may be go time!

Another date with the dildo cam and things were looking good in the ute today!  My lining was nice and plump (needs to be around 8mm at least, and it was!).  I have 2 beautiful mature follicles on my Right Ovary.  There were still a couple other follies in the running that they measured, but I didn't get sizes, so my guess is they won't catch up (which is good news).

So, as long as my E2 comes back at 300 or higher we will be triggering tonight!  Eekkkkkkk.

I will probably do another post today once I get my email from the clinic with my blood results and more specific follicle info.

Til' then!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stims and Side Effects: Heat Wave

Last time we used injections, I never had any issues.  This month is another story.  I have been having hot flashes and headaches like no other.  I have the heat set at 65 and am freezing Kev out I think.  And I have been CRABBY.  Hopefully only a few more days of this and it will start to get better.

Also, I started the Lovenox (blood thinner) again this morning as today is CD10.  It would be one thing if it just hurt when you stuck and injected, but the Lovenox hurts for at least 10 minutes after too.  Ugh.  And to think I have to be on this for the entire pregnancy if we ever get there.

Anyway, another follie check tomorrow so we will see what is going on in there.  Fingers crossed for 2 nice sized follicles so we can stop stimming and get this show on the road...

Monday, December 6, 2010

E2: got the levels

I just got the email from the clinic.
My E2 (estradiol) was 105, so they are decreasing my Follistim to 100 units (from 125) and I go back on Thursday for another check.

Hopefully I have just a couple good follies then!

Also, I got more detailed info on my follies in the email:
Left had 9 follies under 9mm
Right had a 10mm and 9 under 9mm

Last cycle we only ended up with 1 follicle.  I hope that at least 2 decide to hang around this time (but definitely not 19!).

First Follie Check: So many follicles so little time

First of all, thank you to Cara for the post title (this was her response when I called and told her about my appt this morning)!

CD 8:
Just got back from my first monitoring appt to see what is going on in there...  Well, a lot is going on!

Apparently I am an overachiever (not necessarily a good thing).  I have 1-2 dominant follicles that are around 10 mm.  I also have 20 (yes 20) that are around and under 8 mm.

For IUI (inter-unterine insemination) they like to see 1-3 good follicles.  Once said follicles reach anywhere from 18-22 mm you would do a trigger shot and go in for the insemination 36 hours later.  Follicles grow around 2 mm a day on average.

If you have too many follicles they will cancel your cycle.  Right now I am in the danger zone.  They are waiting for my E2 level to come back and then they will email me instructions on what does of meds to continue at.  I will go back on either Wednesday or Thursday to check on my many follicles and hopefully the dominate ones will be bigger and the others will not have grown.

The nice thing about injectables is they can "starve" off the smaller follicles by lowering the dose, so we aren't over yet, just need to wait and see (aka the story of our lives :)).

So, until then!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stimming: Days 2-5 (CD 3-7)

I hate the days between starting stims and your first follicle check.  Makes me so anxious.  I go in tomorrow morning for another date with the dildo cam.  Hopefully we have 2 good looking follies and a nice E2 level.  Depending on where things are at size-wise and what my E2 is they will either continue my dose at 125 units or increase/decrease it.  They check the E2 level because it correlates with maturity/egg quality (between 200-600 per mature follicle).  So, to make a long story short, based on the size of follies on the Ultrasound and the E2 level they will be able to figure out where my follicles are at and what to do with me!

A side note about E2 and me.  The higher your estrogen levels go, the more chance you have to have a blood clot.  Since I have had a clot in the past, my hematologist worries about this.  Therefore I get to shoot myself up with more then just stims.  I also start Lovenox (blood thinner) on day 10 through AF or Pregnancy (fingers crossed!).  This shot really sucks.  It hurts. It leaves ugly bruises. It makes me crabby.  I hate doing it.

Wish me luck tomorrow morning.  I am praying for 2 follies around 12 mms (that means only a few more days of stims and hopefully an IUI Friday or Sat)....

I will post another update tomorrow on what I find out!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baseline: December 2010

December 1st.  Sounds like a good day to start a new cycle! 

I had my lovely baseline appt today.  A date with the dildo cam and a needle in the arm.  Doesn't get much better the that at 7:40 am!

Good news is that my ute and ovaries look ready to go!  They are looking for a thinned out lining and no ovarian cysts to start out the cycle.

Dr. wants to up our meds this month to see if I can have a better response (in October we had one follicle).  The concern is I had a lot of smaller follicles fighting for a chance at growing, so we will be monitored very closely this month.  Ideally we would have 2 nice looking follicles when we trigger.  I think we would even go ahead if there were 3.  But we will cross that bridge when we get there...

After they get my lab values, they will decide my dose and sent me an email.

We go back on Monday to see how the little follies are doing.

Here we go again!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

US: an overview

I decided this morning that I have a lot going through my head, and we, as a couple have been through a lot since we got married in January (2010) so now would be a GREAT time to start capturing it.  Hopefully some day we will be able to come back here and see how far we have come!!!

Many of you know us as Mr. and Mrs. Ditty.  I prefer Megan.  Kevin, that is another story... Ditty, Ditt-beer, Ditty-pop, Big Sug, Big Sexy, 250, Ditty-more-beef-stew.  The list goes on.  I can only correlate that the vast number of nicknames for my Dear Husband is proportionate with the shear number of friends and family that think he is as great as I do!

Since this blog is supposed to be a place for me to keep track of all that we have done/been through thus far trying to grow our family, let me catch you up on what we have done so far....

January 2nd, 2010 - Our Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!  A very cold day, but a celebration of love (and drunkedness).

February 2010 - Knowing that I have PCOS (for those that don't know, this is a common issue with women that causes ovulation and hormonal balance issues), we made a leap of faith and had my IUD out.  Kevin was a little leary because at this time we both we delusional still and he didn't want to get pregnant "right away".  Ahhhhhhh, the good old days.

March 2010 - To our surprise, I get my first period (in 4 years) all by myself!!!  We go in to the Dr. to see what is going on in there and find out the bad news - 2 very large cysts on my Right Ovary.  They prescribe treatment with various progesterones to help shrink the cysts.  This leads to 6 weeks of crazy mood swings and general crabbiness...

April 2010 - While I focus on shrinking cysts, we decide to get Kevin checked out "just in case".  Turns out he felt bad for me and decided to have issues too.  Just to make me feel better I think.  Semen Analysis comes back with the triple threat - Low count (quantity), morphology (shape) and motility (motion).  They said it could be a fluke and say we will re-check it in a few months.

June 2010 - Our first medicated cycle.  5 mg Letrozole.  I have a beautiful response.  We were supposed to do an IUI, but due to timing we had to do TI (timed intercourse for the acronym challenged).  BFN (Big Fat (or swear word) Negative).

July 2010 - Another try with Letrozole.  7.5 mg this time, just for giggles.  Again, a great response - 2 gorgeous follicles!  This month we were able to get it together and do the IUI (Inter-Uterine Insemination).  Dr. says I hope you are ready for Twins.  Dude, I just need to focus on getting knocked up, lets work on that first...  Another BFFN (this time definitely use the swear word).

August 2010 - Taking a break due to our schedule.  Trying to get back to the old fashioned fun of being married. Same result.

September 2010 - The bad month, as I like to affectionately call it.  Kevin had another semen analysis at the end of August that was sent of to the Mayo Clinic.  They held our results and when I called to cycle in September, broke the bad news over the phone.  Very low count, very low morph.  This is when I decided we needed to make a move to a more qualified clinic (Sanford Reproductive Medicine).

October 2010 - Our first cycle with Sanford.  And Needles.  Lots of needles.  Injectables (drugs to make my "eggs" grow) and blood thinners (to prevent another nasty blood clot destroying more of my vision).  1 beautiful follicle.  AN ACTUAL COUNT on our insemination (love my new clinic).  We had 4.2 million sperm post wash (yes, they wash sperm, see below).  This number was pretty low, but they said they have seen it work at this level.  This was also the first time Kevin was able to be present when our potential child was potentially conceived.  Dr. Dahl says she sees better results when you hold hands during the IUI.  Awww.....  We had such high hopes.  I bet you can guess what happened.

October 2010 part II - this month was the worst and best month of our Marriage thus far.  We re-connected.  Kevin was so convinced we were pregnant.  In fact I am tearing up just thinking about it.  We spent a weekend home, alone, without distraction and talked.  A lot.  We both want this.  A dear friend once told me that when going through infertility treatments sometimes it takes the guys more time to emotionally get to the point the woman are at, but they do get there.  This is true.  We are now in the same place and we are both so much happier for it.

November 2010 - The big surgery.  Kevin had been diagnosed with a varicocele in October (we were busy :)).  Dr. Noah recommended surgery, so we went ahead with it.  Dr. Noah is confident that he can help Kevin's count, morph and motility, which will help us get pregnant. (Note: get pregnant with insemination, hopefully, he in no way, shape, or form thought it would be enough improvement to get pregnant on our own.  Just wanted to clarify).

So, here we are.  10 months later.  No baby.  But we have learned a lot.  And come a long way.  We have decided to cycle in December even though we won't see any improvement from the surgery until January or February.  We need to perfect the dosage levels stimulating my ovaries.  I have the meds.  We might as well try.

Let me explain one more thing.  Cycle Days.  Lots happens depending on the day you are in your cycle.

CD (cycle day) 1: The day you start your period, full flow not just spotting.  AKA the day you have to call the clinic.  You must be seen for baseline before starting any stimulations.  They check to make sure you don't have any cysts and that everything looks good in the ole' ute (uterus).

CD 3: must have baseline done by this day.  Start injectable stimulation hormones this day.
CD 3-12: Injectable stims.  And various monitoring appts with the Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound.  Affectionately called the dildo-cam.  They check the uterus for lining thickness and the ovaries for follicles (where the egg lives until it is ovulated), size and quantity.  Ideally you have 1 or 2 follicles for and IUI.  If you have more then 3 they can cancel the cycle.  Once a follicle reaches 18mm then the real fun begins!
CD ? (Usually around CD 12 for me): Once follicles are around 18 mm they give you a prescription for a form of HCG injection to use to trigger ovulation.   This shot needs to be given 36 hours before your scheduled Insemination.
34 Hours post HCG Trigger: Is when the man needs to do his part.  They get off easy in the whole process.  Really.  All they need to do is make the magic happen.  You know what I mean.  Usually into a little sterile cup.  Get it now?
2 Hours prior to insemination: The lab takes the ummmm, sample, and washes it.  Yes I said wash.  Gotta have clean spermies.  But really.  Semen contains various chemicals that are to help protect it during normal intercourse that are neutralized when everything is done the old fashioned way.  But if you inject this directly into the ute the result is not only painful, but ineffective.  Also, washing the sperm gets rid of the old, dead, unmoving sperm, making it a better sample overall!
Insemination: A super fun little procedure that involves stirrups, a catheter, and a vial of "clean" sperm.  Use your imagination.  After you have to lie around and rest for awhile.  Then it is back to life as usual.
2WW (aka, the 2 week wait, aka, hell):  The time period from insemination to hopefully seeing a positive pregnancy test.  Haven't seen one of those yet....

So there you have it.

Today is CD 2 and I am hopeful it may bring us our BFP (that would be the opposite of the BFN).