Monday, February 28, 2011

Baseline: The Donor Cycle

I haven't updated in quite some time and so figured I better get caught up ASAP!

I FINALLY am able to cycle again after Aunt Flo being missing and had to be brought on by the lovely Progesterone regimen...

So here were are, today, Cycle Day 6.  Baseline went great (results posted below), thankfully.

My first follie check is tomorrow morning at 7:30 am!  Hopefully we are making good progress.  I will definitely update once I have the information.

We decided and ordered our Donor Sperm and it is being shipped today. Very Very EXCITING!

Hopefully this is lucky IUI #5....

Results from this baseline:
Estradiol: 39 on 02/24/2011 Normal: 0-100 pg/mL.
FSH: 5 on 02/24/2011 Normal: 0-10 MIU/mL.
LH: 6.9 on 02/24/2011 Normal: 0-10 MIU/mL.

Your follicles are at baseline and you are ready to begin treatment.

You should begin the medication Follistim. Take 150 units every evening between 6-9pm. Start this medication on 2/25. Continue each day until your next appointment.

Your next appointment is scheduled for 3/1/11 at 7:30am for an ultrasound and labwork.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

AF: Just show up already!

IF is a waiting game.  You would think I would be used to it by now.  But I am not.  I am waiting for "Aunt Flo" to show her ugly face and she isn't cooperating...

Today is CD32.  My longest cycle yet.  Why me?!?!?!?!?!  The clinic wants to "induce" my period with progesterone, but that could take up to 24 more days.  I can not wait that long to cycle. 

Pity party for 1.  AF must be right around the corner with how emotional I am...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

IF: Midcycle Update

Haven't had much to post lately, not cycling an all, but got a lot done on the donor front yesterday so thought I would update my blog with the info!

We met with the counselor for our mandatory counseling session prior to using Donor Sperm.  She had a lot of good information for us on telling our theoretical child about how they were concieved, so that was very helpful.

Then I got the email from the clinic that my CMV test (a virus that is very common) was negative.  This means we have to pick a donor that is also negative so I am not exposed to the virus. 

Picture me running to the computer to look up the donors we had narrowed it down to to check that the one I really like was negative.  It was borderline comical.  Anyway, it turns out that he is, so that is a big relief.

The final hurdle is getting Kevin's results back after the Semen Analysis this Friday, which they say will take about a week (I think they are trying to kill me by making me wait ;)).  Once we know what we are working with we will be able to decide to proceed with the donor.  We are not holding out for any miracles here, so I will not be disappointed...

That's about it!  It appears that I did Ovulate this month and we made sure to "do the deed", so there is always hope that we don't need the next step, but I am not holding my breath!

I will be sure to post the information and our decision once we have it!