Monday, January 17, 2011

IUI #4: Big.Fat.Fail

Sorry for the radio silence.  I have been really down and I haven't had the energy to update.

Well.  This cycle was over as fast as it started.  I got AF on CD 23, 11 days post IUI.

I just feel broken.

And as a special bonus we had 6 large follicular cysts as souvenirs from this cycle, therefore we have to sit out the next month in order to let them shrink.  Yippee....

Sorry for the sarcasm.  It masks the sadness.

I don't think I will be posting much this month, except maybe for info on Ditty's post surgical SA (semen analysis, aka spuge and review).  If it is ugly we will be picking a donor for our next cycle, so I will probably post about that...

Until then....

Monday, January 3, 2011

IUI#4: So over it...

I hate this day in my cycles.  I go in with a positive attitude and try to hope that everything is going to be different and then I am crushed. 

Today was IUI #4.  Our prewash count was 7.1 million.  Post wash was a measly 0.9 million.  That is not a typo.  I don't understand.  How can I have such an awesome hubby with such a crap count.  Makes me sad.

2ww with not much hope, here we come.

Sorry to be a downer, but this is getting really old.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Follie Check: The follie check that wasn't

Forgot to update yesterday what with the big blizzard that we experienced and all!

Kevin had to snow blow the driveway and road, but I was finally able to make it out of the driveway to get to my appt for a U/S and E2 level.  Unfortunately, the U/S tech wasn't able to make it.  So we decided to draw a level and move ahead without really knowing what cutting back my dose had done...

Also, the Ovidrel we ordered on Thursday from Freedom Pharmacy never made it to our house so I had to hunt one down in town.  That was fun....

I got the email that my E2 had gone from 700 to 1100 overnight.  We decided to trigger tonight for IUI on Monday Jan 3rd.

Hopefully this is it!!!!  I don't know how many follies we have, but hopefully enough to do the trick!