Tuesday, March 8, 2011

IUI #5: is in the books!

I have been really bad about updating!
Here is what happened last week:

Thursday: Returned for U/S and b/w - Results are as follows -
Estradiol: 990 on 03/03/2011 Normal: Dependent upon the number of follicles that you have today.
Your estradiol level is appropriate for the number of follicles found with your ultrasound today.

Your ultrasound result is as follows:
Your follicles on the right ovary are 12,12,11,11 mm.
Your follicles on the left ovary are 13,12,12,11 mm.
Your lining is 9 mm. 
 They were concerned about having too many mature, so dropped my dose of Follistim to 50 and had me come back in the next day....

Friday: Another date with the dildo cam and needle...
Estradiol: 1421 on 03/04/2011 Normal: Dependent upon the number of follicles that you have today.

Your follicles on the right ovary are 16,14,13,12 mm.
Your follicles on the left ovary are 15,14,13,13,12 mm.
Your lining is 9 mm.  
Also known as the day my e2 went through the roof!  A little concerned about the number of follies and the e2 level.  Dr. Dahl will cancel if e2 is above 2000 due to worrying about a fun complication called OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome).  She requested that I come in on Saturday for another check and reduced my dose of Follistim to nothing!

Saturday: Fingers crossed...
Got the follies to drop off (anything around 18 is considered mature, so we were ok to move forward).  Just needed e2 to be below 2000.  I was on pins and needles until I got the email:
Estradiol: 1565 on 03/05/2011 Normal: Dependent upon the number of follicles that you have today.

Your follicles on the right ovary are 19,18,15,14,13,12 mm.
Your follicles on the left ovary are 17,15,14,13,13,12 mm.
Your lining is 9 mm.

You should take the Ovidrel injection on 3/5 at 9:30pm. This medication will cause ovulation 34-36 hours after injection. Your insemination is scheduled for 3/7 at 8:30am.
 Let me tell you, I was SOOOOOOOO relieved to see this info.  I thought for sure they were going to cancel us!

I went in on Monday morning, alone because Ditty had to work :(

Our Donor was a rock star, 24 million sperm with 55% motility.  That is 6 + times more sperm then we ever have had...

This has to work, right? 

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